How to choose a vibration analyzer for an auto repair shop?

Balancing Equipment at the Price of a Vibration Meter: Is It Possible?
Comparison of prices for balancing devices and vibration analyzers.
Balancing devices are key to vibration analysis and technological operations. They not only measure parameters but also correct the imbalance of rotating mechanisms, enhancing product quality and economic efficiency. However, their high cost (2500 – 25000 euros) often poses a barrier for small and medium enterprises.

Factors Affecting Cost:

– Limited Demand: Balancing equipment is produced in small batches.
– Cost of Vibration Sensors: They include at least two expensive sensors.
– Software Development: Specialized software requires significant investment.

“Balanset-1A”: A New Era in Balancing Instruments

To address the high cost issue, the “Balanset-1A” was developed. Development Principles:

– Application of serially produced components.
– Application of cheaper vibration sensors.
– Maximized use of tested control algorithms.

What’s included in the “Balanset-1A”:

– Microprocessor measuring unit with USB port.
– Portable computer with specialized software.
– Two affordable capacitive accelerometers.
– Laser sensor for phase angle.

This approach led to significant decreases in development and production expenses. Using mass-produced components and cheap sensors, along with tested algorithms, resulted in the “Balanset” set (without computer) costing no more than 2000 euros (1500 euros for Balanset-oem).

Final Thoughts

“Balanset” is a balancing device at the price of a vibration meter, accessible to a wide range of enterprises.

Original article about Condition Monitoring

Author: DanielAcesk

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